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International Forum of models, talents and designers «FASHION HOUSE INTERNATIONAL» is the place, aimed at searching and promotion new faces and talents in the sphere of show business not only in Russia, but abroad.
Forum is taking place in Tunisia, in the very heart of the Mediterranean – in a beautiful resort city Syss in the hotel «KARTHAGO EL KSAR ALL». Syss is considered to be older than Carthage. Syss was founded in IX century b.c. by the Phoenicians. According to the size it’s the 3rd large city in Tunisia, nowadays it’s a modern resort area, where nevertheless one can find lots of restored relics of the past. There is the museum, devoted to the history of the city with the help of mosaic pictures. The mosaic collection of Syss is sure to be the most beautiful in the world.
In the hotel «KARTHAGO EL KSAR ALL» the participants and guests of Forum in addition to the programme can take part in master-classes, round-table conferences, seminars on different topics according to the programme of Forum. Those who wish can take a course of tennis and water polo using the facilities of the hotel «KARTHAGO EL KSAR ALL». Also during the excursion «Syss– Port el Kantaoui/ Monastir» it will be possible to visit elite tourist area посетят элитную туристическую зону Port El Kantaoui, its harbour with a picturesque quay, where there are splendid Singing Fountains. Also the ancient town – Medina, ancient mosque, fortress. In Monastir it is possible to visit Ribat and Bourguiba Mausoleum, Islamic museum, Bourguiba Mosque, that was built in 1963 and is worth visiting it at least for its huge size.
Organization of Forum in a new foreign place will give the opportunity for the participants not only to take part in the programme of Forum, but to discover for themselves a new part of the Mediterranean with its numerous values, left from different civilizations – Punic, Roman, Arabic, European.

Forum implies the following contests:
1. Internet contest «FASHION INTERNATIONAL» (11 August - 25 September 2011 года)
2. International model contest «SUPER MODEL FASHION INTERNATIONAL»
3. International contest of designers, model agencies, fashion theatres «FASHION INTERNATIONAL».
4. International talent contest «FASHION HOUSE INTERNATIONAL», that includes nominations: vocal solo, choreography, instrumental solo, actor skills, young photographers, photographers, young artists, artists, young fashion designers, fashion designers, stylists, dee-jays.
5. International beauty and talent contests:
Also out-of-the competition fashion shows.

The most promising participants of Forum get the chance:
1. To be invited in Paris and get a prize from the famous fashion designer Pierre Cardin.
2. To be invited in Paris for dinner and gala concert in honour of the winners of the international contests with participation of stars of the world scale.
3. To be invited on Festivals and Contests of Pierre Cardin, that take place in France.
4. To be invited to the world round of the contests, that take place in the USA.
5. To get money prizes and gifts from the sponsors. Получить денежные призы и подарки от спонсоров. Prize money – 30000 US dollar.
6. To get contracts with the leading Russian and foreign model, advertising agencies, production centres and film studios.

The participants also will take part in concerts of Russian and the near abroad pop stars.
Attention: You may use Certificates of Models & Talent Group and the company «Fashion House International», presented for the participation in Russia and Turkey for the registrational payment.
All above mentioned services and privileges apply to the participants and guests of Forum, who conclude a tourist contract with companies «PARADISE service» and «Fashion House International». Participants under 18 have the right to take part in this project only having notarized consent from the parents an accompanying person.
In case of need the organizational committee helps with choosing and booking return tickets to Moscow, transfer from an airport (railway station) to a hotel in Moscow. Date of preliminary application – till 10 September 2011. 

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